The first episode of the Walten Files was uploaded to youtube on (date) and features three major tapes or clips. The first was an instructional, audiovisual handbook for company technicians, the second was a Showstoppers animation made in 1979, and the third was filmed by former facility caretaker Brian Stells on October 10th, 1982.
The person posting this "lost media" is a Brighton local teen named anthony. He wrote the following in the description:
"This is a compilation of Tapes created by the already extinct Bunny Smiles Company. I tried to get as much info as I could about what these tapes are, all I could find was that these tapes were handed to new employees back in 1974-1979 the rest of the tapes seem to be recorded by a new "Facility Caretaker" in the year 1982, Hopefully, I can find more tapes soon."

For a more in-depth summary of the episode as well as a transcript, CLICK HERE.

The second episode centers, you guessed it, the Bunny Smiles company trying to rebrand and open up another Bon's Burgers location after the first one shut down. The content of these tapes are pretty similar to episode one, with the first three being instructional videos from the company, and the last being filmed by a facility caretaker.
Anthony leaves this message for us in the description of the video:
"This is another Compilation of Tapes from Bunny Smiles Incorporated, I was able of Contacting people Via forums and Threads that have some Infomation of The Company.
These tapes revolve around some 'Relocation Project' that was being executed during the late 1970s (1978), A B.S.I. Ex-employee mentioned that these tapes were really Private and only a few people had a copy of them, once the company vanished during the Early 80s (1983) all tapes regarding the Project were Banned and Destroyed, These are Super rare and I'm really lucky to have them. As to me, i'm doing fine, just staying home hoping covid doesnt fuck me over, take care!"
For a more in-depth summary of the episode as well as a transcript, CLICK HERE.
This episode is considered a "secret" episode due to it being unlisted, bits and pieces of the link being put into previous TWF episodes. Like all secret episodes of the series, it's highly cryptic and even metaphorical. However, this episode is critical because it actually introduces the main protagonist of the series: Sophie Walten.
The description reads: "The story of Bon's Burgers goes back to 1958, where 2 college students Had the same idea of Animated performers, The names were Jack Walten and Felix Kranken. it took them 16 Years to actually execute this concept, By that time Kranken and Walten had built their own Families, Felix Married a beautiful lady and Walten was not only a great Husband but also the Happy father of 3 Beautiful children."

For a more in-depth summary of the episode as well as a transcript, CLICK HERE.

Bunnyfarm is the the longest TWF episode to date, and was pretty ambitious compared to earlier episodes. It features game footage of Sophie Walten playing the Bunny Smiles Inc. arcade game, Bunnyfarm. Being that it was filmed in 1982, that would make Sophie Walten one of the first, if not the first, let's players in the TWF universe.
The description contains a content warning for this episode which includes disturbing imagery, flashing lights, very loud noises, and heavy topics.
A note from Anthony reads:
"Hey! loooong time no see heh, the following footage is about a 1980s videogame created by the company, reason it took me so long to get this footage was because the game never really released to the public, and all footage available was from the Beta Version of the videogame. during october 1982 a few test bunnyfarm machines were distributed around Brighton, MI (the city where Bon's opened in june 28th, 1974) this footage was from the arcade machine sent to Entfernt Hotel. The two girls playing the game seem to have lived there. the particular thing about these machines was that all footage from the game was recorded and then revised by BSI technicians to see if the game was ready to be published, this was one of them and quite possibly the only footage remaining of this game. The footage itself was extremely corrupted however, and it took me weeks to be able to piece everything together with the help of a friend of mine, but I'm glad you've all been patient for this, seems to be a huge one anyways. as of me, I'm going on spring break next weekend, I'm probably going to spend some time with my dad!"
For a more in-depth summary of the episode as well as a transcript, CLICK HERE.
The latest secret episode contains three different audio recordings from the one and only Felix Kranken over the years. One from 1967, 1972, and 1974. The records depict Kranken's worsening alcoholism and substance abuse issues, and essentially, his downspiral.
It seems like the description is obituary. It reads: "In memorial of Edward Walten - Molly Walten: - Ed (12) and Molly (9) died Thursday, May 2nd, 1974 in a fatal car accident, they were leaving a party made by their school to celebrate Spring. Jack Walten (father, husband) couldn't take the kids to the celebration because of work. A friend of Mr. Walten would take the kids instead. On the way back home, Jack's friend would be driving in questionable conditions, thus crashing his car near the road next to Saint Juana's forest. Instantly taking both Edward and Molly's lives. You will be remembered, our little angels, our little red children."

For a more in-depth summary of the episode as well as a transcript, CLICK HERE.
Even though Martin Walls has explicitly stated that these videos are non-canon in the TWF universe, I think these short films can be interpreted as allegorical or metaphorical, as they seem to have uncanny similarities narrative-wise with the Walten Files. These films were made as holiday specials both for Christmas and Halloween.