Welcome to THE WALTEN FILES, an unofficial fansite for the webseries of the same name. The series, inspired by the Five Nights At Freddy's franchise, is about the fictional Bon's Burgers restaurant, an animatronic themed restaurant aimed at children which opened, and closed, in 1974. The horror mystery focuses on a single question: what is the truth behind the disappearances and deaths of Jack Walten, several employees, and others that were connected to Bon's Burgers?
The Walten Files was created by Martin Walls, and is still ongoing with three episodes, and two "secret" episodes. There are also two holiday specials connected to TWF, but they have been said to not be canon.
Obviously, this site is going to contain spoilers. Peruse the site at your own risk!

7/23/21: We got more lore! I updated the website accordingly. More to follow.
9/6/21: Long time, no update. Updated the layout because I thought some change was in order. TIMELINE was also updated!